WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. Cairngorms ViSIT Forum 28.03.07 Paper 2 Delivering Park Plan ambitions on-line: Update and discussion on website scoping study Prepared by: Chris Taylor Purpose: To update and seek views of the ViSIT Forum on a study looking at provision of web content relating to the National Park 1. Background and Purpose CNPA have appointed Jim Hamill Associates to undertake a scoping study to explore the current range of web content related to the Park. There are two key aspect to this work: how well does the existing content serve the needs of visitors; and how well does the existing content help deliver the aims of the Park Plan. A presentation of the study and its recommendations will be made to the ViSIT Forum and feedback sought. 2. Scope of the Review There are several issues the study needed to consider: (A) Corporate requirements The CNPA maintains a corporate website (www.cairngorms.co.uk) which currently contains a small amount of visitor information. This is falling short of meeting visitor needs and the preferred option is have a clear split between CNPA corporate information and visitor/general information about the Park. (B) Joined up government The model of National Park that has been developed in the Cairngorms relies on a high degree of “joined up government”. There is a requirement for VisitScotland and all other public bodies to help meet the aims of the Park and to work with CNPA in meeting these aims. Therefore the study should give some consideration to how this can best be achieved through development of web resources. (C) Visitor expectations There is a need to better present national parks within the Scottish tourism offering and to people in Scotland generally. National Parks have enormous value as globally recognised tourism brands. (D) Industry engagement In Aviemore and in Deeside, Destination Management Organisations (DMOs) are developing. These organisations will brand, market and develop the visitor experience in local areas. The Aviemore DMO is more established, operating www.visitaviemore.com. The Cairngorm Chamber of Commerce also operates a business / local information site www.cairngormschamber.com As far as possible CNPA wishes to work in partnership with these initiatives. (E) Ease of access There is already a plethora of different sites about the Cairngorms and the National Park. However, the information that people need to find is highly dispersed and is not easy to navigate around. (F) Information provided Much of the information provided to date is oriented towards marketing commercial opportunities in the Park or promoting the outputs of particular projects. There is little web content relating to the special qualities of the Park 3. Initial Findings Fit with policy and Park Plan .. The 25 year vision is to create a: ‘World Class Destination – an outstanding environment in which the natural and cultural resources are enhanced; a renowned international destination; an exemplar of sustainable management showing how people and place can thrive together. A National Park that makes a significant contribution to our local, regional and national identity.’ . The long-term vision of creating a ‘world class destination’ translates into a number of sub-themes under each strategic objective: - Conserving and Enhancing the Park - Living and Working in the Park - Enjoying and Understanding the Park . To support implementation, 5 year priorities have been agreed in seven main areas . These priorities are supported by an agreed Interpretive Planning Framework and Interpretive Themes. The four main goals and objectives are: - To promote the Park as a destination. - To enhance the visitor experience. - To protect resources and promote responsible outdoor access. - To promote public support for the Park. The development of a Portal web site is seen as being critical to achieving these objectives. 4. Other Cairngorm Web Sites and the Online Customer Experience As part of the report Hamill Associates undertook a brief ‘Online Customer Experience Exercise’. The following comments were made: . The existing web presence is fragmented and uncoordinated. . It is not easy for potential visitors to find the information they are looking for. . It is not easy for them to plan or book visits to the Park online. . It is not easy to book accommodation. . There is a lack of professionalism in some of the existing sites. . The existing web presence does very little to build the core values, brand proposition or special qualities of the Park. Indeed, it may be having the opposite effect. . It does little to encourage people to visit the park. . The existing online presence provides little value to other customer groups e.g. conservationists, local communities etc . Overall, the existing online customer experience is very poor. Based on the above, there is a very strong case for building a new Portal web site for the Park – one that will act as a global gateway to all it has to offer. Related Cairngorm Web Sites Site / URL/Comments Visit Scotland and Visit Highlands www.visitscotland.com and www.visithighlands.com/ Could provide the online accommodation booking service for the new site Local DMO and LEC Sites Content links with these sites CNPA www.cairngorms.co.uk/ Should remain separate from the new Portal as the main corporate web site for CNPA Cairngorms Chamber of Commerce www.cairngormschamber.com This site claims to provide a ‘single voice for business within the whole of the Cairngorms National Park and adjacent areas’. It also contains a section targeted at visitors to the area with content including: Accommodation, Eating out, Retail, Visitor attractions, Wildlife and countryside, Activities, Events, Towns and villages, Emergency services, Maps, Ranger services, Transport, Weather - East Cairngorms, Weather - West Cairngorms, Weather – Mountains, Weather - Met Office, Tourist offices The site an online directory listing local companies operating in these sectors. Several of the links to accommodation providers do not work and site design does little to build the core brand proposition of the Park. There is little interactivity or functionality e.g. no online booking. Cairngorms Moorlands Project http://www.cairngormsmoorlands.co.uk/ A specialist site providing good content about moorlands. The new web site should link through to this site at the appropriate point. Young Cairngorms Website http://www.youngcairngorms.com A site targeted at young people in the area but with very poor content. Site does not appear to be well managed or resourced and has a very amateurish design. It is recommended that the ‘mission’ of this site be incorporated into the new site under the ‘Live and Work’ section Eastern Cairngorms Access Project http://www.visitcairngorms.com The ECAP project is due to finish in September 06. The site provides very useful information and is well designed. It is recommended that the site be incorporated into the new site. Cairngorms Online www.cairngormsonline.co.uk A privately run web site with key sections including – ‘Explore’, ‘Where to stay’, ‘Business’, ‘What to do’. A somewhat amateurish site e.g. many of the accommodation links don’t work. The site does little to build the brand online. Just Outstanding www.justoutstanding.co.uk/ A rather dated site developed with money from the Scottish Executive and VisitScotland. A very poor site that does little to build the reputation of the area and should be taken down. Although a poor site, the URL is good. Upper Deeside Access Trust www.visitdeeside.org.uk Provides good information on walks for this part of the Park. The new site should link through to this at the appropriate point. Chamber of Commerce www.aviemore.co.uk This URL links through to the same Chamber of Commerce web site as above. Unfound www.scotland-inverness.co.uk/cairngmm.htm Listed on Google but site not to be found Cairngorm Mountaineering www.cairngorms.com A web site focusing on mountaineering in the Cairngorms Fettes College www.fettes.com/cairngorms/ A school web site but with some good content on the local landscape Cairngorm Mountain www.cairngormmountain.com A very graphically intense site. Unfound Site www.cairngormscampaign.com Listed on Google but site not to be found Winternet www.winternet-scotland.co.uk/reports/east/latest.htm Web cam images and weather reports. Aberdeen and Grampian Tourism Site www.agtb.org/cairngorms-national-park.htm Site unlikely to be maintained with recent changes in local tourism support network Connery Scottish Walks www.conneryscottishwalks.co.uk/thegorms.html A site promoting Scottish walks Beautiful Scotland www.beautiful-scotland.co.uk/cairngorms.htm Different regions of ‘beautiful Scotland’ Cairngorms Hotel http://cairngorms.net Web site of the Cairngorms Hotel Visit Aviemore http://www.visitaviemore.com/ 5. Recommendations The development of a Portal web site is seen as being critical to achieving the vision and objectives outlined in the Park Plan. In developing the case for the new Portal, it is important to emphasise the ‘business benefits’ to be derived: .. Marketing Efficiency – the development of a new Portal web site will be the most cost efficient channel for future marketing and promotion of the Park. .. Marketing Effectiveness – it will be the most effective (ROI) channel. .. Building Relationships – it will provide a very effective, but low cost channel for building strong ‘1-to-1’ relationships with key customer groups. The overall aim should be to deliver `the right information, to the right people, at the right time, in the right format, using the right communications channel'. The Customer Life Cycle Stage of the CLC / Strategic e-Business Objectives / e-Business Applications Unaware To create awareness and build brand Web sites supported by proactive online marketing Aware but no action To convert awareness into interest and a ‘call to action’ Web site content, interactivity and functionality Planning To make it easy for potential visitors to plan their trips Customised information, accommodation availability, related services e.g. transport, things to do etc Purchase/Booking To make it easy for customers to book; maximise ‘up’ and ‘cross’ Online booking; speed of response and follow-up; use of e-communications to ‘up’ and ‘cross’ sell Anticipation To maximise enjoyment from the planned visit Strategic use of e-communications; local collaboration Arrive and Stay To enhance the customer experience Use of new technology to enhance the experience e.g. pda tours, wireless internet access etc. Post Visit To maintain on-going dialogue with existing customers e-mail thank you; e-CRM; e-newsletters; local e-CRM collaboration etc Return Visit/ Recommendation To enhance the customer experience of return visits Use of advanced customer analytics; e-CRM Next Steps Further discussions will be held with existing website owners and a web specification for a new portal developed. It is important to stress that CNPA wish to work in partnership as much as possible in development of this site. It should also be noted that while visitors are an early priority there are a range of other audiences such as communities, agencies, academics, conservation and environmental interests and the site needs to be robust enough to provide for these groups in the future. Chris Taylor Cairngorms National Park Authority March 2007